December is here finally, which brings us to the end of another wonderful year here at Harbor Lakes!  The weather this year has been anything but normal!  Starting the year off with the end of a mild winter, then on to a summer that almost seemed as if it would never end!  Only to be surprised by a an entire week of temperatures in the 80’s in August!  The temperatures since have been fairly mild bringing us into the fall and winter months where we have yet to experience much cold tempera-tures.  All said and done, it has been a great year for growing grass!  We have received rain when necessary and plenty of sunshine to keep the golf course beautiful!
As we the year winds to an end, I would like to thank everyone for their support and understanding throughout the year as we completed the tasks necessary to keep the golf course in great shape!  I would like to ask one more favor!  As we head into the months of dormant grass, where there is no recovery from any type of damage or traffic,  please avoid the high traffic ar-eas and take a path less traveled!  In addition to your help, we will continue to utilize the yellow ropes to direct carts on to less compacted areas.
Josh Thompson