Event & Membership Director

By |2018-02-05T15:51:26+00:00February 5th, 2018|From the Food & Beverage Director|

I am extremely excited about 2018 and what's in store for the club. Yes, we are making some changes, but all very positive ones! The Board of Directors has done a very good job offering new suggestions and many of them are in the process of being implemented. Also, keep an eye out for some [...]

Turf Talk

By |2018-02-05T15:42:00+00:00February 5th, 2018|Golf|

As you all know, it's been a cold one this winter! We had single digit temperatures on more than one occasion. From what we can tell so far, the greens covers have done their job in protecting the greens from any winter desiccation. I want to thank everyone for their support and understanding during the [...]

Turf Talk

By |2018-01-10T21:58:20+00:00January 10th, 2018|Golf|

Another wonderful year has come to pass here at Harbor Lakes! The golf course is in great shape and the maintenance staff will be busy for most of the winter completing projects that will only make it better when Spring rolls around! I would like to thank everyone who signed up as a volunteer to [...]

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